Using Sphinx to write personal websites and blogs

I’ve done it at The key trick is to add a preprocessor step. I’ve got my blog entries in a weblog/yyyy/mm/dd/ folder structure. A script iterates through that folder structure, creating index.txt files in every directory, listing the sub-items. The normal Sphinx process then renders those index.txt files. I added a custom Sphinx processor … Read more

How to adjust Jekyll post order?

There is an example in the official Jekyll documentation how to create a basic post archive page: Displaying an index of posts Bonus: For a prettier archive page (grouped by year or year/month), see this answer. You’re right, I can’t find anything in the docs where it says how the posts are ordered, but in … Read more

What’s the difference between categories and tags in Jekyll?

It seems to me that the only important difference is that categories can be used in the post url – a post inside the “beer” and “food” categories, by default, will have this url: /food/beer/2008/09/09/foo-bar.html Instead of this one: /2008/09/09/foo-bar.html See the post tests for details Tags have no influence in the urls, at least … Read more

How to blog code at [closed]

See here: Wrap your code in these tags: [sourcecode language=”css”] .. [/sourcecode] (or shorter [code lang=’css’] .. [/code] ) Note that Visual Editor doesn’t interpret the tags, you need to click Preview to see how it works. Available language codes: actionscript3 bash clojure coldfusion cpp csharp css delphi erlang fsharp diff groovy html javascript … Read more