Built-in binary search tree in Python? [closed]

There’s no special reason, to my knowledge – I’d guess that the reason is that for so many applications the highly-tuned dict and set implementations (which are hash tables) work well. They’re good enough in most cases. There are definitely situations where you need the performance characteristics of balanced binary search trees (like ordered traversal … Read more

What is & How to use getattr() in Python?

Objects in Python can have attributes — data attributes and functions to work with those (methods). Actually, every object has built-in attributes (try dir(None), dir(True), dir(…), dir(dir) in Python console). For example you have an object person, that has several attributes: name, gender, etc. You access these attributes (be it methods or data objects) usually … Read more

Difference between nameof and typeof

Two reasons: nameof turns into a compile-time constant. typeof(…).Name requires a bit of reflection. It’s not overly expensive, but it can hurt in some cases. Second, it’s used for other things than type names. For example, arguments: void SomeMethod(int myArgument) { Debug.WriteLine(nameof(myArgument)); } You can also get the name of class members and even locals. … Read more

Why does Python have a format function as well as a format method

tldr; format just calls obj.__format__ and is used by the str.format method which does even more higher level stuff. For the lower level it makes sense to teach an object how to format itself. It is just syntactic sugar The fact that this function shares the name and format specification with str.format can be misleading. … Read more

No module named builtins

I also found using ‘pip install future’ resolved this issue I got the information from here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/697226/importerror-no-module-named-builtins I hope this clarifies this for other users, like me who stumbled upon your question

How to avoid SQL injection in CodeIgniter?

CodeIgniter’s Active Record methods automatically escape queries for you, to prevent sql injection. $this->db->select(‘*’)->from(‘tablename’)->where(‘var’, $val1); $this->db->get(); or $this->db->insert(‘tablename’, array(‘var1’=>$val1, ‘var2’=>$val2)); If you don’t want to use Active Records, you can use query bindings to prevent against injection. $sql=”SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE var = ?”; $this->db->query($sql, array($val1)); Or for inserting you can use the insert_string() … Read more

Override the {…} notation so i get an OrderedDict() instead of a dict()?

Here’s a hack that almost gives you the syntax you want: class _OrderedDictMaker(object): def __getitem__(self, keys): if not isinstance(keys, tuple): keys = (keys,) assert all(isinstance(key, slice) for key in keys) return OrderedDict([(k.start, k.stop) for k in keys]) ordereddict = _OrderedDictMaker() from nastyhacks import ordereddict menu = ordereddict[ “about” : “about”, “login” : “login”, ‘signup’: “signup” … Read more