Web App: High Availability / How to prevent a single point of failure?

I have found this article on the subject: http://www.tenereillo.com/GSLBPageOfShame.htm Basically if you do not require long lasting sticky sessions you can configure your DNS servers to return multiple A records (IP addresses) for your website. Web browsers are smart enough to try all the addresses until they find one that works.

ZooKeeper alternatives? (cluster coordination service) [closed]

I’ve looked extensively at Zookeeper/Curator, Eureka, etcd, and consul. Zookeeper/Curator and Eureka are in many ways the most polished and easiest to integrate if you are in the Java world. Etcd is pretty cool and very flexible, but It is really just a HA key store so you would have to write a lot of … Read more

MPI: blocking vs non-blocking

Blocking communication is done using MPI_Send() and MPI_Recv(). These functions do not return (i.e., they block) until the communication is finished. Simplifying somewhat, this means that the buffer passed to MPI_Send() can be reused, either because MPI saved it somewhere, or because it has been received by the destination. Similarly, MPI_Recv() returns when the receive … Read more

Scaling solutions for MySQL (Replication, Clustering)

I’ve been doing A LOT of reading on the available options. I also got my hands on High Performance MySQL 2nd edition, which I highly recommend. This is what I’ve managed to piece together: Clustering Clustering in the general sense is distributing load across many servers that appear to an outside application as one server. … Read more

How to setup workers for parallel processing in R using snowfall and multiple Windows nodes?

There were several options for HPC infrastructure considered: MPICH, Open MPI, and MS MPI. Initially tried to use MPICH2 but gave up as the latest stable release 1.4.1 for Windows dated back by 2013 and no support since those times. Open MPI is not supported by Windows. Then only the MS MPI option is left. … Read more