How to pass custom component parameters in java and xml

(Full disclosure: This question is an offshoot of Creating custom view) You can create constructors beyond the three standard ones inherited from View that add the attributes you want… MyComponent(Context context, String foo) { super(context); // Do something with foo } …but I don’t recommend it. It’s better to follow the same convention as other … Read more

How to get the current MavenSession or MavenExecutionRequest from a Plexus Component

I don’t believe there is, nor would I think it’s a good idea. From my understanding, what you’re aiming to achieve is have a commons-like component, that will be used for several mojos. This requires the current Maven session to be passed in & used to subsequently pass back a value. The way Maven works … Read more

React – how to pass state to another component

Move all of your state and your handleClick function from Header to your MainWrapper component. Then pass values as props to all components that need to share this functionality. class MainWrapper extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); this.state = { sidbarPushCollapsed: false, profileCollapsed: false }; this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this); } handleClick() { this.setState({ sidbarPushCollapsed: !this.state.sidbarPushCollapsed, profileCollapsed: … Read more

Checking for Undefined In React

What you can do is check whether you props is defined initially or not by checking if is undefined or not since your body is nested inside it like componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if( !== undefined && !== undefined) { console.log(“new title is”,; console.log(“new body content is”,[“body”]); this.setState({ title:, body:[“body”] }) … Read more

angular2 test, how do I mock sub component

As requested, I’m posting another answer about how to mock sub components with input/output: So Lets start by saying we have TaskListComponent that displays tasks, and refreshes whenever one of them is clicked: <div id=”task-list”> <div *ngFor=”let task of (tasks$ | async)”> <app-task [task]=”task” (click)=”refresh()”></app-task> </div> </div> app-task is a sub component with the [task] … Read more

How can I change this class base higher order component into a functional component?

I agree with siraj, strictly speaking the example in the accepted answer is not a true HOC. The distinguishing feature of a HOC is that it returns a component, whereas the PrivateRoute component in the accepted answer is a component itself. So while it accomplishes what it set out to do just fine, I don’t … Read more

Angular 2 – How to trigger a method on a child from the parent

I think these might be what you’re looking for: You can access child properties and methods using local variables within the template or using the @ViewChild decorator in the parent’s component class.

RxJS: takeUntil() Angular component’s ngOnDestroy()

You could leverage a ReplaySubject for that: EDIT: Different since RxJS 6.x: Note the use of the pipe() method. class myComponent { private destroyed$: ReplaySubject<boolean> = new ReplaySubject(1); constructor( private serviceA: ServiceA, private serviceB: ServiceB, private serviceC: ServiceC) {} ngOnInit() { this.serviceA .pipe(takeUntil(this.destroyed$)) .subscribe(…); this.serviceB .pipe(takeUntil(this.destroyed$)) .subscribe(…); this.serviceC .pipe(takeUntil(this.destroyed$)) .subscribe(…); } ngOnDestroy() { this.destroyed$.next(true); this.destroyed$.complete(); … Read more

React: Passing props to function components

You would need to pass down each prop individually for each function that you needed to call <CreateProfile onFirstNameChange={this.firstNameChange} onHide={close} show={this.state.showModal} /> and then in the CreateProfile component you can either do const CreateProfile = ({onFirstNameChange, onHide, show }) => {…} with destructuring it will assign the matching property names/values to the passed in variables. … Read more