What is the difference between configuration management and version control?

Version control is necessary but not sufficient for configuration management. Version control happens in some central or distributed repository, but says nothing about where any particular version is deployed or used. Configuration management worries about how to take what is in version control and deploy that consistently to the appropriate places, primarily QA and production, … Read more

TFS vs SVN [closed]

“One can not compare between TFS and SVN“ SVN: is Source Code Versioning System TFS: is full fledged Software Development Management system which contains, Version control, Release management, Requirements tracking, Document publishing and other things. Both have nice to use IDE integration add-ins(e.g. AnkhSVN, Collabnet’s add-in) available for VS2005, so that is not the point … Read more

Configuration Management for Windows [closed]

Chef is supported on Windows by Opscode. While we don’t run Windows for any of our infrastructure, we do have developers who are continually improving our Windows support. We also get community contributions, and most of the early phase Windows functionality for Chef was contributed by the community. Important: Opscode now provides an MSI installer … Read more

Displaying output of a remote command with Ansible

I’m not sure about the syntax of your specific commands (e.g., vagrant, etc), but in general… Just register Ansible’s (not-normally-shown) JSON output to a variable, then display each variable’s stdout_lines attribute: – name: Generate SSH keys for vagrant user user: name=vagrant generate_ssh_key=yes ssh_key_bits=2048 register: vagrant – debug: var=vagrant.stdout_lines – name: Show SSH public key command: … Read more

Why do people use Puppet/Chef with Amazon Cloud Formation instead of just using CloudInit?

Is there an advantage over CloudInit? Yes, absolutely, many of them! Sure, you can write top to bottom run once CloudInit scripts to provision a server. But what happens when you need to change a configuration file, add a user, update a package, or install a new package? You will end up logging into servers … Read more

What tool can I use to manage the configuration of my Windows Server environments

System Center Configuration Manager’s (SCCM) Desired State Configuration is exactly what you’re describing. If you have no budget for this (like your question makes it seem) you can leverage PowerShell DSC instead. System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) doesn’t factor in here- it’s a monitoring and alerting platform, not a configuration management one. (Note that the … Read more

How to split out Prometheus config files?

The Prometheus config file (and other config files in the ecosystem) explicitly do not support any form of templating. Instead this is left up to your configuration management system to handle. Additionally it sounds a bit unusual that you have dev/test/prod sections in your config file. Usually a) you’d have a Prometheus per environment and … Read more

How do I print the current hostname of a host in ansible

You have to use the template-module for this. Here’s an example task: – name: Create motd template: src: “motd.j2” dest: “/etc/motd” The file motd.j2 (placed in the templates-subdirectory of your role) could then look like this: Welcome to host {{ansible_hostname}}! {{ansible_hostname}} will then be replaced with the hostname. Be sure to “gather facts” in your … Read more

What features would you add to Firefox to get it into the enterprise?

If it came in MSI format for easy installation to Windows workstations, and could be managed by GPO and Apple Open Directory then it would be perfect. It would also need to work well with things like Sharepoint, but I suspect that’s an issue for the people designing sites in Sharepoint rather than Mozilla. I … Read more