How do I use PDB files

PDB files map an assembly’s MSIL to the original source lines. This means that if you put the PDB that was compiled with the assembly in the same directory as the assembly, your exception stack traces will have the names and lines of the positions in the original source files. Without the PDB file, you … Read more

C# 4.0 Compiler Crash

Clearly that is a compiler bug. I mentioned this to one of our testers and he says: I’m happy to report that this has already been fixed and you’ll see this fix in the next version of VS. You’ll actually see it fixed in the BUILD Developer Preview for Visual Studio as well! Apologies for … Read more

App killed by SIGKILL when changing privacy settings

I think it is a bug or at least poorly documented and unexpected behavior. But it does not crash it is just forced to restart. You will get a SIGKILL message but no Crash log. If you are a registered apple developer you can check their forums for discussions about this issue I … Read more

Present UIAlertController on top of everything regardless of the view hierarchy

Update Dec 16, 2019: Just present the view controller/alert from the current top-most view controller. That will work 🙂 if #available(iOS 13.0, *) { if var topController = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController { while let presentedViewController = topController.presentedViewController { topController = presentedViewController } topController.present(self, animated: true, completion: nil) } Update July 23, 2019: IMPORTANT Apparently the method below … Read more

Simultaneous accesses to 0x1c0a7f0f8, but modification requires exclusive access error on Xcode 9 beta 4

I think this ‘bug’ may be a Swift 4 “feature”, specifically something they call “Exclusive access to Memory”. Check out this WWDC video. Around the 50-minute mark, the long-haired speaker explains it. You could try turning the thread sanitizer off in your scheme settings if you’re happy to ignore it. However, the debugger is … Read more