Why ww2 sub domains?

People running large(-ish) sites used to do this when they needed to break up the load between more than one server. One machine would be called www then the next one would be called www2, etc. Today, much better load balancing solutions are available that don’t require you to expose your internal machine naming conventions … Read more

What is a Domain Model

Basically, it’s the “model” of the objects required for your business purposes. Say you were making a sales tracking website – you’d potentially have classes such as Customer, Vendor, Transaction, etc. That entire set of classes, as well as the relationships between them, would consititute your Domain Model.

Docker cannot resolve DNS on private network [closed]

Docker populates /etc/resolv.conf by copying the host’s /etc/resolv.conf, and filtering out any local nameservers such as If there are no nameservers left after that, Docker will add Google’s public DNS servers ( and According to the Docker documentation: Note: If you need access to a host’s localhost resolver, you must modify your DNS … Read more

Set DNS options during docker build

Dockerfile-based solution You can also fix the DNS lookup problem on a per RUN-command level: RUN echo “nameserver XX.XX.1.1” > /etc/resolv.conf && \ echo “search companydomain” >> /etc/resolv.conf && \ command_depending_on_dns_resolution Keep in mind: This will only change the DNS resolution behaviour for this one RUN command, as changes to the /etc/resolv.conf are not persistent … Read more