How to access the VM created by docker’s HyperKit?

Update 2019-01-31, thanks to ru10’s update, now there is a better way: screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/vms/0/tty Original Answer: After a while, I found following way to get a shell of the VM that was created by HyperKit: Run from terminal: screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty You will see an empty screen, then type enter, you will get a login prompt. … Read more

docker for mac memory usage in com.docker.hyperkit

As @GabLeRoux has shared in a comment, the “Real Memory” usage is much lower than what you see in the “Memory” column in Activity Monitor. This document thoroughly explains memory usage on Mac OS with Docker Desktop and information is excerpted from there. To see the “Real Memory” used by Docker, right-click the column names … Read more

How to get IP address of running docker container

If you don’t want to map ports from your host to the container you can access directly to the docker range ip for the container. This range is by default only accessed from your host. You can check your container network data doing: docker inspect <containerNameOrId> Probably is better to filter: docker inspect <containerNameOrId> | … Read more

Mounts denied. The paths … are not shared from OS X and are not known to Docker

Docker for Mac volume mounts behave differently than the base Docker system. This is mostly because Docker tries to comply with Apple’s filesystem sandbox guidelines. As shown in Docker’s preferences, only certain paths are exported by macOS. /Users /Volumes /tmp /private /var in macOS is a symbolic link into /private. That is also true for … Read more