Having problems pinning Eclipse Juno/Luna/Mars shortcut to windows 7 taskbar

I was facing the same issue. I did a couple of things: 1.Added this to the beginning of eclipse.ini -vm C:/Program Files/Java/jre6/bin/server 2.Updated the eclipse definitions – using check for updates from within eclipse. I still didn’t get the pin option (icon showed Java EE) 3.Updated Windows and restarted my system. And voila! It worked! … Read more

How to enable C++11 in Eclipse Juno/Kepler/Luna CDT?

There’s two things you have to do, first you need to setup your compiler, then you need to setup CDT’s language processor. Since you didn’t mention which compiler you’re using, I’ll assume it’s GCC but the steps will be similar for other compilers. (Note that you need a compiler that supports C++11, of course.) Setting … Read more