Build an own SMS Gateway [closed]

Here’s How It Works You >>> Forwarding Aggregator >>> SMS Aggregator >>> Mobile Operator >>> Mobile Company >>> Your Customer 3 Major Parties Are Involved in the Whole Process: 1. Mobile Operators: They Manage SMSC (Short Message Service Centers). AT&T, Sprint/NEXTEL, T-Mobile USA, U.S.Cellular and Verizon Wireless are few of the major mobile operators in … Read more

What is the difference between Facade and Gateway design patterns?

Reviewing Facade in the GoF book and the link in another answer to Martin Fowler’s Gateway, it appears that their focus is in opposite directions. Facade provides a simple uniform view of complex internals to (one or more) external clients; Gateway provides a simple uniform view of external resources to the internals of an application. … Read more

Magento Payment flow

Here’s the way I’ve always understood the concepts, and what you’ll need to know to implement a payment module in Magento. Answers to your specific “where does this happen” are bolded below, although it’s not quite as simple as you’re hoping for. Pre-internet, brick and mortar credit card transactions were a two stage process. At … Read more

AWS NAT vs AWS IGW vs AWS Router

No they are not the same. Internet Gateway Routes traffic from instances with Public IPs to the Internet. It simply forwards traffic between Public IPs in your VPC and Public IPs in the internet back and forth, mostly unchanged. Gateways can sometimes be called routers but AWS doesn’t use this term. NAT Gateway Routes traffic … Read more