Emacs: Failed to verify signature archive-contents.sig

See https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/233/ for the same question. The signature check failed because you don’t have the new key (the old signature key expired on Sep 23). The new key is available from the usual GPG key-servers, comes with Emacsā‰„26.3, and can also be obtained by installing the package gnu-elpa-keyring-update.

Are exported private keys in GPG still encrypted?

Exported secret keys are encrypted by default, however –export-options export-reset-subkey-passwd will produce an unprotected export: When using the –export-secret-subkeys command, this option resets the passphrases for all exported subkeys to empty. This is useful when the exported subkey is to be used on an unattended machine where a passphrase doesn’t necessarily make sense. Defaults to … Read more

No public key: Key with id: (XXXXX) was not able to be located (oss.sonatype.org)

The various OpenPGP keyserver synchronize, but that takes some time. If you know which keyserver will be queried, you can directly upload your key there. I did: gpg –keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net –recv-keys EE539F98 gpg –keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com –send-keys EE539F98 and now your key can successfully be found on Ubuntu’s keyserver, without having to wait until it automatically … Read more