Google Drive mime-types listing? [closed]

$mime_types= array( “xls” =>’application/’, “xlsx” =>’application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet’, “xml” =>’text/xml’, “ods”=>’application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet’, “csv”=>’text/plain’, “tmpl”=>’text/plain’, “pdf”=> ‘application/pdf’, “php”=>’application/x-httpd-php’, “jpg”=>’image/jpeg’, “png”=>’image/png’, “gif”=>’image/gif’, “bmp”=>’image/bmp’, “txt”=>’text/plain’, “doc”=>’application/msword’, “js”=>’text/js’, “swf”=>’application/x-shockwave-flash’, “mp3″=>’audio/mpeg’, “zip”=>’application/zip’, “rar”=>’application/rar’, “tar”=>’application/tar’, “arj”=>’application/arj’, “cab”=>’application/cab’, “html”=>’text/html’, “htm”=>’text/html’, “default”=>’application/octet-stream’, “folder”=>’application/’ ); In addition, here is a list of mime-types specifically pertaining to Google drive (and the google suite):

How to automatically import data from uploaded CSV or XLS file into Google Sheets

You can programmatically import data from a csv file in your Drive into an existing Google Sheet using Google Apps Script, replacing/appending data as needed. Below is some sample code. It assumes that: a) you have a designated folder in your Drive where the CSV file is saved/uploaded to; b) the CSV file is named … Read more

Download a spreadsheet from Google Drive / Workspace using Python

The library is a newer, simpler way to interact with Google Spreadsheets, rather than the old answers to this that suggest the gdata library which is not only too low-level, but is also overly-complicated. You will also need to create and download (in JSON format) a Service Account key: Here’s an example of … Read more

Add Image to GitHub from Google Drive

For example, I have a.jpg on the google drive. Right click the image and click Share… Click Advanced and change the Who can access option to Public on the web – Anyone on the Internet Copy the link to share and you will have something like<FILE_ID>/view?usp=sharing Copy the <FILE_ID> to make a link like … Read more

Error: invalid_request device_id and device_name are required for private IP

An alternative to editing a hosts file is to use the “Magic DNS” service is a magic domain name that provides wildcard DNS for any IP address. Say your LAN IP address is resolves to (dot syntax) resolves to (dash syntax) resolves to (hex syntax) … Read more

Creating anchored comments programmatically in Google Docs

The Anchoring Comments feature from the Google Drive API is intended for non-Google Docs editors files, not for Google Documents. See (credit to Bryan P who shared this URL through a comment) Unfortunatelly at this time the Document Service from Google Apps Script doesn’t include a Class Comment to handle comments and discussions. At … Read more