You do not have permission to call openById

I thought that I would throw in a similar issue that I had which brought me to this question, where I received the error You don’t have permission to call by openById. In my case I was trying to call functions from which I copied from this example: Note that at the top … Read more

How to generate an uuid in google sheet?

Generate UUID You can generate a UUID using Utilities.getUuid(). But it is required to use a custom function because there are no functions for it in Google Sheet’s set of functions. In order to generate UUID, please do the following: Open the Google Apps Script editor. Copy and paste the following script and save it. … Read more

New Google Sheets custom functions sometimes display “Loading…” indefinitely

Important Tip: Create multiple copies of your entire spreadsheet as you experiment. I have had 3 google spreadsheets corrupted and rendered completely in-accessible (stuck in a refresh loop). This has happened when I was experimenting with custom functions so YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! You will want to try one or many of the following ways … Read more