How can I save my mini-buffer history in Emacs?

As Trey Jackson said, you want to put this: (savehist-mode) in your Emacs start up file, then restart Emacs. (Calling it interactively will stomp on your current mini-buffer history, so you may not want to do that.) It’s also worth pointing out that you can persist other variables across sessions by adding them to savehist-additional-variables, … Read more

Prevent duplicates from being saved in bash history [closed]

As far as I know, it is not possible to do what you want. I see this as a bug in bash’s history processing that could be improved. export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth:erasedups # no duplicate entries shopt -s histappend # append history file export PROMPT_COMMAND=”history -a” # update histfile after every command This will keep the in … Read more

What are the file/group/record/unit separator control characters and their usage?

Lammert Bies explains both their usage and the history behind. 28 – FS – File separator The file separator FS is an interesting control code, as it gives us insight in the way that computer technology was organized in the sixties. We are now used to random access media like RAM and magnetic disks, but … Read more

Filtering ZSH history by command

Hit Ctrl+R, type some letters, it will find the previous command with these letters, keep hitting Ctrl+R to continue through the previous findings. Works in bash, zsh (and other shells i suppose). What i personally like to have is: type some letters, press Up, the previous commands starting with the same letters appear. Very powerful, … Read more