Why don’t include guards make a circular #include work?

The preprocessor is a program that takes your program, makes some changes (for example include files (#include), macro expansion (#define), and basically everything that starts with #) and gives the “clean” result to the compiler. The preprocessor works like this when it sees #include: When you write: #include “some_file” The contents of some_file almost literally … Read more

Can I have one XML Schema (XSD) include another XML-Schema?

There are two methods for this. <xsd:include schemaLocation=”pathToFile” /> should be used for including files of the same namespace. <xsd:import namespace=”namespace” schemaLocation=”pathToFile” /> should be used for include files in a different namespace. Usually you will specify the namespace given as the targetNamespace of the imported schema.

Android programmatically include layout (i.e. without XML)

I met this issue too, and I just solved it now. I think my solution is easier: create a inflater: LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) this.getSystemService(LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); inflate the child layout: View childLayout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.child, (ViewGroup) findViewById(R.id.child_id)); add it into parent: parentLayout.addView(childLayout); It’s done, enjoy it!

Already defined in .obj – no double inclusions

This is not a compiler error: the error is coming from the linker. After compilation, the linker will merge the object files resulting from the compilation of each of your translation units (.cpp files). The linker finds out that you have the same symbol defined multiple times in different translation units, and complains about it … Read more