Our wi-fi at work is ridiculously slow, will adding more range extenders improve it?

I’m going to put this as gently as I can: Wireless networks (802.11) suck. The 2.4GHz band (802.11b, g, and some n devices) is a festering pit of radio noise. Everything from baby monitors to microwave ovens pollute this section of the spectrum, and the wanton proliferation of wireless networks has it so congested that … Read more

Loopback to forwarded Public IP address from local network – Hairpin NAT

What you’re looking for is called “hairpin NAT”. Requests from the internal interface for an IP address assigned to the external interface should be NAT’ted as though they came in from the external-side interface. I don’t have any FreeBSD familiarity at all, but reading the “pf” manual for OpenBSD (http://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/rdr.html) the proposed solutions of split-horizon … Read more

What are the obstacles to providing reliable Internet access and Wi-Fi at large tech conferences? [closed]

(For those that are interested, I have finally written up my 2009 report on the wireless at PyCon). I have done the wireless for the PyCon conference most of the years since we moved from George Washington University into hotels, so I have some ideas about this, which have been proven in battle — though … Read more