Maximum number of parameters in function declaration

Yes, there are limits imposed by the implementation. Your answer is given in the bold text in the following excerpt from the C++ Standard. 1. C++ Language Annex B – Implementation quantities Because computers are finite, C + + implementations are inevitably limited in the size of the programs they can successfully process. Every implementation … Read more

Memory errors and list limits?

First off, see How Big can a Python Array Get? and Numpy, problem with long arrays Second, the only real limit comes from the amount of memory you have and how your system stores memory references. There is no per-list limit, so Python will go until it runs out of memory. Two possibilities: If you … Read more

Is there a hard limit to the number of files a directory can have? [duplicate]

It depends on your filesystem. I’m going to assume it’s ext4: The maximum number of files is global, not per directory, and it’s determined by the number of inodes allocated when the filesystem was created. Try running the following command to see the number of inodes per filesystem. $ df -i Filesystem Inodes IUsed IFree … Read more