Failed Request Tracing XML fails to display in Internet Explorer (IIS 7.5)

I had the same problem on a fresh install of Windows 2012. However, the freb.xsl file was present in the same folder as the event XML file. To get it to show the ‘nice interface’ I had to add “about:internet” to the IE11 trusted sites list, as discussed here:

nginx error log was huge, so I deleted and created a new one, now nginx won’t start

This doesn’t solve your problem, but in the future, if you do cat /dev/null > /file/you/want/to/wipe-out you will copy over the contents of the file with nothing, and keep all permissions in tact. Not nginx-speicific, but Additionally, make sure you are running the application as the user it is supposed to run as. If you … Read more

Good Free Tomcat Log Analyser? [closed]

You could use LambdaProbe : It’s a nice webapps that only require that you relaunch Java. It provides nice features like live thread listing, and also parses log file (catalina.out) There is some nice monitoring (Session, threads, memory) and gives connector’s load. At last (not least) it provides an interface to manage your webapps.

Open source tomcat log viewer

you can use splunk : in which you can centralize all logs you have, you can then perform crossed search, it’s a freeware, a bit heavy but awesome. You can also use lambda probe but it’s more for global managment, not especifically for logs.

Fail2ban log filled with entries saying “fail2ban.filter : WARNING Determined IP using DNS Lookup:..”

Had the same issue. Simple solution: add the following line at the top of your /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf file, in the [DEFAULT] section usedns = no To understand why your log file is being filled with warnings, consult the following page in the Fail2Ban wiki. It’s basically to prevent people manipulating PTR record of their attack IPs … Read more

Fast extraction of a time range from syslog logfile?

Update: I’ve replaced the original code with an updated version with numerous improvements. Let’s call this (actual?)alpha-quality. This version includes: command-line option handling command-line date format validation some try blocks line reading moved into a function Original text: Well what do you know? “Seek” and ye shall find! Here is a Python program that seeks … Read more

What is a good SQUID Logs Analyzer? [closed]

I used LightSquid: It was good enough for me for several reasons: It is fast, takes very little diskspace (In comparison with SARG, only ~45Kb of Perl scripts) There is nothing superfluous You can try it, using online-demo: “Official” feauture-list: fast and simple install fast log parser generatesmall per user data file perl … Read more