iosnoop, iotop, opensnoop, execsnoop, opensnoop, dtruss and other dtrace based commands don’t work on osx El capitan, macOS Sierra

iosnoop relies on the dtrace subsystem. from: Dtrace is broken under El Capitan One of the tools that I use quite a lot in debugging is ‘dtrace’ and the various utilities that use it. e.g. open snoop, iotop and a few that I wrote myself. With the GA of El Capitan, any utility that … Read more

ImageMagick 7 with RMagick 2.16 on MacOS Sierra Can’t find MagickWand.h

I have just encountered and solved this issue on a new Mac running Sierra. There seems to be no solution for ImageMagick 7 at this time. Uninstall existing imagemagick if needed Install version 6: brew install imagemagick@6 Since this is keg-only, you should then force-link it: brew link –force imagemagick@6 This installed imagemagick version 6.9.7-4 … Read more

How can I uninstall dotnet core from macOS Sierra

To uninstall dotnet core from macOS: download from make executable execute as root (requires superuser privileges to run). curl -O chmod u+x sudo ./

Clipboard failure in tmux + vim after upgrading to MacOS Sierra

This seem to be a regression on macOS Sierra. A solution that worked for me has been mentioned by Josh McGinnis brew install reattach-to-user-namespace Ensure the following is set in .tmux.conf: set -g default-shell $SHELL set -g default-command “reattach-to-user-namespace -l ${SHELL}” In .vimrc or ~/.config/nvim/init.vim (for Neovim): set clipboard=unnamed Now all is well and … Read more

GDB kind of doesn’t work on macOS Sierra

This is how I easily fixed the issue. [Update: based on feedback received and yet to be verified, it seems that this solution works with macOS Sierra 10.12 but not with macOS Sierra 10.12.2] See video instructions here Quit gdb Using your text editor e.g. Sublime Text, save a file called .gdbinit in your user … Read more

Can’t run “ssh -X” on MacOS Sierra

I didn’t need to reinstall XQuartz, but, based on Matt Widjaja’s answer, I came up with a refinement. sudo vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config (This is ssh client config, not sshd_config) Under the Host * entry add (or add where appropriate per-host) XAuthLocation /usr/X11/bin/xauth (The location of xauth changed in Sierra) ServerAliveInterval 60 (Pings the server every 60 … Read more

Valgrind on macOS Sierra

You can download Valgrind’s latest version from their website. Then, you can just ./ to install Valgrind. I personally did not encounter anything needed to make. However, the sad news is, even the most recent version of Valgrind is not very usable on Mac OS Sierra. The reason is that Apple has not released the … Read more