npm install the exact package version specified in package.json

By default npm installs packages using ^ which means any version in the same major range, you can switch this behaviour by using –save-exact // npm npm install –save –save-exact react // yarn yarn add –exact react I created a blog post about this if anyone is looking for this in the future.

Where am I wrong about my project and these Javascript Frameworks?

Not sure about your timeline and resources, but when I’m trying to decide between multiple frameworks/environments, I just go ahead and try to quickly build a prototype. Even if it’s just one or two major functions, I find that all the research and documentation in the world won’t ever match actually trying to build something … Read more

Meteor test driven development [closed]

Update 3: As of Meteor 1.3, meteor includes a testing guide with step-by-step instructions for unit, integration, acceptance, and load testing. Update 2: As of November 9th, 2015, Velocity is no longer maintained. is focusing their efforts on Chimp, and the Meteor Development Group must choose an official testing framework. Update: Velocity is Meteor’s … Read more

Facebook login message: “URL Blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not whitelisted in the app’s Client OAuth Settings.”

As the questioner writes In the advanced tab, Valid OAuth redirect URIs is set to: … and I had the same problem (writing the redirect url into the wrong input field) I would like to highlight that It’s NOT Settings -> Advanced -> Share Redirect Whitelist but Facebook Login -> Settings -> Valid OAuth redirect … Read more

How to properly make mock throw an error in Jest?

Change .mockReturnValue with .mockImplementation: yourMockInstance.mockImplementation(() => { throw new Error(); }); in case you want to assert test(‘the fetch fails with an error’, () => { return expect(fetchData()).rejects.toMatch(‘error’); }); If it’s a promise you can also to .rejects–rejects

What are the best practices for structuring a large Meteor app with many HTML template files? [closed]

As in the unofficial meteor faq, I think it pretty much explains how to structure a large app: Where should I put my files? The example apps in meteor are very simple, and don’t provide much insight. Here’s my current thinking on the best way to do it: (any suggestions/improvements are very welcome!) lib/ # … Read more

map directive is not allowed here

Try adding this to your nginx.conf in the http {}: user www-data; worker_processes auto; pid /run/; events { worker_connections 768; # multi_accept on; } http { # this section is needed to proxy web-socket connections map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade { default upgrade; ” close; } ## # Basic Settings ## sendfile on; tcp_nopush on; tcp_nodelay on; … Read more

What are the key differences between Meteor, Ember.js and Backbone.js? [closed]

There is a nice run down/comparison of various MVx JS frameworks here it’s followed by a good discussion in the comments too. I think I’ve seen Gordon (who wrote it) on here so maybe you’ll get a reply from him. I’d say if you are looking to learn this style of application development then … Read more