What’s the difference between Data Modelling and Domain Modelling?

Good question, the problem is that it depends on the definion of the terms, I think they differ slightly based on the sources. I would agree with previous answer – domain models are for describing the problem domain, at least the part you need to develop a solution. You describe all the various entities, their … Read more

Is there a visual modeling language or style for the functional programming paradigm?

See archived version with outlinks here. As of May 26, 2023, there is no standard modeling language for pure functional programming, but there are alternatives: 1. UML UML has traditionally been associated with object-oriented programming (OOP), mostly because of its historical roots1, 2, but one can certainly attempt to use it for different programming paradigms … Read more

Domain Driven Design vs Model Driven Architecture

Don’t disagree with most of the above although it’s perhaps worth expanding a little. The single most important concept in DDD is to focus on the problem domain. To put technology obsession to the side and concentrate primarily on modelling the problem you’re trying to solve. So put ajax, ORMs, databases, frameworks etc. into the … Read more

XML Attributes vs Elements [duplicate]

There is an article titled “Principles of XML design: When to use elements versus attributes” on IBM’s website. Though there doesn’t appear to be many hard and fast rules, there are some good guidelines mentioned in the posting. For instance, one of the recommendations is to use elements when your data must not be normalized … Read more

What’s the best UML diagramming tool? [closed]

Some context: Recently for graduate school I researched UML tools for usability and UML comprehension in general for an independent project. I also model/architect for a living. The previous posts have too many answers and not enough questions. A common misunderstanding is that UML is about creating diagrams. Sure, diagrams are important, but really you … Read more