How to view the Folder and Files in GAC?

Install: gacutil -i “path_to_the_assembly” View: Open in Windows Explorer folder .NET 1.0 – NET 3.5: c:\windows\assembly (%systemroot%\assembly) .NET 4.x: %windir%\Microsoft.NET\assembly OR gacutil –l When you are going to install an assembly you have to specify where gacutil can find it, so you have to provide a full path as well. But when an assembly already … Read more

Best practices/guidance for maintaining assembly version numbers

Versioning is something that I am very passionate about and have spent a long time trying to come up with an easy to use versioning system. From what you have already said in your question it is clear that you have understood one important point, the assembly version numbers are not synonymous with the product … Read more

How can I get the executing assembly version?

Two options… regardless of application type you can always invoke: Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version If a Windows Forms application, you can always access via application if looking specifically for product version. Application.ProductVersion Using GetExecutingAssembly for an assembly reference is not always an option. As such, I personally find it useful to create a static helper class in projects … Read more

Could not load file or assembly ‘Newtonsoft.Json’ or one of its dependencies. Manifest definition does not match the assembly reference

To solve this, I ensured all my projects used the same version by running the following command and checking the results: update-package Newtonsoft.Json -reinstall And, lastly I removed the following from my web.config: <dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity name=”Newtonsoft.Json” publicKeyToken=”30ad4fe6b2a6aeed” culture=”neutral” /> <bindingRedirect oldVersion=”″ newVersion=”″ /> </dependentAssembly> If you want to ensure all your Newtonsoft.Json packages are the … Read more

Practical uses for the “internal” keyword in C#

Utility or helper classes/methods that you would like to access from many other classes within the same assembly, but that you want to ensure code in other assemblies can’t access. From MSDN (via A common use of internal access is in component-based development because it enables a group of components to cooperate in a … Read more