Long pause when accessing DFS namespace

Well, we finally appear to have resolved this issue in our environment. For the benefits of others, here’s what we discovered and how we fixed the problem: To try and gain further insight into what was occurring before/during/after the delays we used Wireshark on a client machine to capture/analyse network traffic whilst that client attempted … Read more

Windows LocalSystem vs. System

[wiped large answer, summarizing for clarity. See edit-history for sordid tale.] There is a single well-known SID for the local system. It is S-1-5-18, as you found from that KB article. This SID returns multiple names when asked to be dereferenced. The ‘cacls’ command-line command (XP) shows this as “NT Authority\SYSTEM“. The ‘icacls’ command-line command … Read more

Windows shares via command line with user/pass, without mapping the drive? [closed]

It seems like you’ve missed an important part of net use before you ruled it out as a solution. You don’t need to specify a drive letter with it. net use \\server\share /user:test testpassword will work just fine. You don’t need to specify a drive letter. This will allow access to that UNC path under … Read more

Permanently mount network share without the need for log on? (Windows)

This apparently possible, according to this StackOverflow post. Before posting the content of the answer, however, can I suggest that you’re over-complicating this? In situations like this where some crappy piece of code needs a user logged on to run (like Domino server, grumble) I’ve created a service account that’s to always be logged in … Read more

Network Service account accessing a folder share

The “Share Permissions” can be “Everyone / Full Control”– only the NTFS permissions really matter. (Cue religious arguments from people who have an unhealthy attachment to “Share Permissions” here…) In the NTFS permissions on the folder on ServerB you could get by with either “DOMAIN\ServerA – Modify” or “DOMAIN\ServerA – Write”, depending on whether it … Read more

Access network share without mapping drive letter (PowerShell)

PowerShell fully supports UNC paths; you can use them everywhere a directory or file name would be expected: Set-Location \\servername\sharename Get-ChildItem \\servername\sharename Copy-Item \\servername1\sharename1\filename.ext \\servername2\sharename2 Remove-Item \\servername\sharename\foldername\filename.ext However, you need proper access rights to actually connect to the remote share; this means either your user account must already have the required permissions, or you must … Read more

How can an unauthenticated user access a windows share?

To do what you want you’ll have to enable the “Guest” account on the computer hosting the files and then grant the “Everyone” group whatever access you want. “Guest” is a user account, but its enabled / disabled status is interpreted by the operating system as a boolean “Allow unauthenticated users to connect?” Permissions still … Read more