How can I update information in an Android Activity from a background Service

How can I set up my Activity to be listening to the Service? Is this the best way to approach this problem? You have three major options, as I see it: Polling. The Activity periodically asks the Service for the latest data. IMHO, this option sucks, but it’s certainly possible. Callbacks. Per jax’s answer, the … Read more

Simple way of turning off observers during rake task?

Rails 3.1 finally comes with API for this: ORM.observers.disable :user_observer # => disables the UserObserver User.observers.disable AuditTrail # => disables the AuditTrail observer for User notifications. # Other models will still notify the AuditTrail observer. ORM.observers.disable :observer_1, :observer_2 # => disables Observer1 and Observer2 for all models. ORM.observers.disable :all # => disables all observers … Read more

How to create custom Listeners in java? You probably want to look into the observer pattern. Here’s some sample code to get you started: import java.util.*; // An interface to be implemented by everyone interested in “Hello” events interface HelloListener { void someoneSaidHello(); } // Someone who says “Hello” class Initiater { private List<HelloListener> listeners = new ArrayList<HelloListener>(); public void addListener(HelloListener … Read more

MediatorLiveData or switchMap transformation with multiple parameters

Source : To have multiple triggers for switchMap(), you need to use a custom MediatorLiveData to observe the combination of the LiveData objects – class CustomLiveData extends MediatorLiveData<Pair<String, Integer>> { public CustomLiveData(LiveData<String> code, LiveData<Integer> nbDays) { addSource(code, new Observer<String>() { public void onChanged(@Nullable String first) { setValue(Pair.create(first, nbDays.getValue())); } }); addSource(nbDays, new Observer<Integer>() { … Read more