What’s the difference (if any) between Standard ML’s module system and OCaml module system?

There are some differences feature-wise, as well as semantically. Features SML supports but not OCaml: transparent signature ascription module-level let symmetric sharing constraints syntactic sugar for functors over types and values Features OCaml 4 has but not SML: higher-order functors recursive modules local modules nested signatures modules as first-class values general module sharing (sig with … Read more

What’s the reason of ‘let rec’ for impure functional language OCaml?

When you define a semantics of function definition, as a language designer, you have choices: either to make the name of the function visible in the scope of its own body, or not. Both choices are perfectly legal, for example C-family languages being far from functional, still do have names of definitions visible in their … Read more

80-bit extended precision floating-point in OCaml

The implementation of such a library is possible outside the compiler, thanks to the ffi support of the language. The library must be split in two parts: the native ocaml source part, and the C runtime part. the OCaml source must contain the datatype declaration, as well as the declaration of all the imported functions. … Read more

Haskell, Scala, Clojure, what to choose for high performance pattern matching and concurrency [closed]

Do you want fast or do you want easy? If you want fast, you should use C++, even if you’re using FP principles to aid in correctness. Since timing is crucial, the support for soft (and hard, if need be) real-time programming will be important. You can decide exactly how and when you have time … Read more

Reference – Password Validation

Why password validation rules are bad? Our very own Jeff Atwood (blogger of Coding Horror and co-founder of Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange) wrote a blog about password rules back in March of 2017 titled Password Rules are Bullshit. If you haven’t read this post, I would urge you to do so as it greatly … Read more