How to write a simple Bittorrent application?

You should try libtorrent (rasterbar). If you want to write your client in python, on linux, install it with: sudo apt-get install python-libtorrent A very simple example of python code to use it to download a torrent: import libtorrent as lt import time import sys ses = lt.session({‘listen_interfaces’: ‘’}) info = lt.torrent_info(sys.argv[1]) h = … Read more

Can someone explain what a wire-level protocol is?

I wouldn’t say that something uses a wire-level protocol or doesn’t – I’d talk about which wire-level protocol it uses. Basically, if something’s communicating with a remote machine (even conceptually) then there’s some data going across the network connection (the wire). The description of that data is the “wire-level protocol”. Even within that, you would … Read more

Why is p2p web hosting not widely used? [closed]

This is what Freenet basically is, Freenet is free software which lets you publish and obtain information on the Internet without fear of censorship. To achieve this freedom, the network is entirely decentralized and publishers and consumers of information are anonymous. Without anonymity there can never be true freedom of speech, and without decentralization the … Read more

Getting MSDN PeerChannel “SecureChat” running on Windows Server 2008 R2

Try enabling these services on the server: Peer Name Resolution Server (Install through Server Management) Peer Discovery Server (Install through Server Management) Simple Service Discovery Protocol Service (SSDP Service) Then simply ensure that the Firewall Rules are modified; by default they block IPv4 / IPv6 Teredo Tunneling driver. IPv6 needs to be supported as it … Read more

Peer to Peer: Methods of Finding Peers

There’s no way around having to know at least one initial peer to discover more. Fully P2P protocols, such as Gnutella or Gnutella2, or the simpler Overnet (made famous by Storm Worm), are based on each client having a start-up list of a few peers. These can come off a web-based automated tracker for example. … Read more