What is the best practice for showing an Icon next to text [closed]

I am coming late to this party, but look what I have found at CodePen ! a[target=”_blank”]::after { content: url(); margin: 0 3px 0 5px; } <a class=”external” href=”https://example.org” target=”_blank”>external link</a>

Convert and resize SVG to PNG

This is the way I do it and it seems to work. convert -background none -density 1000 -resize 1000x compass.svg compass.png Here’s what each part does. Use -background none to make sure any transparent parts of the SVG stay transparent and not get filled with white. As ImageMagick only works with raster images you need … Read more

How do I make a PNG resource?

Example text file (named myres.rc): MYPNG RCDATA mypng.png Added to project: {$R ‘myres.res’ ‘myres.rc’} Example of loading at runtime: uses PngImage; var Png: TPngImage; begin Png := TPngImage.Create; try Png.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, ‘MYPNG’); Image1.Picture.Graphic := Png; // Image1: TImage on the form finally Png.Free; end; end;

Reference images stored in external dll using wpf

Assuming you reference the class library from the WPF application you can reference and display the image in the WPF application with the following XAML: <Image Source=”/ClassLibraryName;Component/images/myimage.png”/> The important thing here is “ClassLibraryName” which is the assembly name for your class library. “/images/myimage.png” is the path to your image. You can find out more about … Read more