How to solve “error running pod install” in flutter on mac?

In Flutter project, I Also faced with this issue. Fixed by updating flutter and cocoa pods to the latest version. Solution:- flutter clean rm -Rf ios/Pods rm -Rf ios/.symlinks rm -Rf ios/Flutter/Flutter.framework rm -Rf ios/Flutter/Flutter.podspec flutter pub get cd ios pod install arch -x86_64 pod install //(On an M1 mac use => arch -x86_64 pod … Read more

Pod install is staying on “Setting up CocoaPods Master repo”

You could try running in verbose mode: pod install –verbose That’ll show you what cocoa pods are up to: Setting up CocoaPods master repo Cloning spec repo `master` from `` (branch `master`) $ /usr/bin/git clone ‘’ master Cloning into ‘master’… (as suggested here) For me the above step took quite a long time as the … Read more

How to update a single pod without touching other dependencies

Make sure you have the latest version of CocoaPods installed. $ pod update PODNAME was introduced recently. See this issue thread for more information: $ pod update When you run pod update SomePodName, CocoaPods will try to find an updated version of the pod SomePodName, without taking into account the version listed in Podfile.lock. It … Read more