how to create a venv with a different python version

The recommended way by The recommended way of managing virtual environments since Python 3.5 is with the venv module within the Python Standard Library itself. Source: That is not the same as virtualenv, which is a third party package, outside the Python Standard Library. Source: Dangerous to downgrade (and to upgrade) Depending … Read more

How do I use different Python version in venv from standard library? (Not virtualenv!)

On Linux/Mac you can easily install multiple versions of Python next to the main one and you can use the venv package from the standard library to create virtual environments from each version >= 3.3. Create venv $ python3.3 -m venv myvenv_foo # Create a python3.4 venv named ‘myvenv_foo’ $ python3.4 -m venv myvenv_bar # … Read more

venv doesn’t create activate script python3

Looks like you are using Ubuntu 14.04. It was shipped with a broken pyvenv. There is a simple work around to create venv using Python 3 1. Create venv without pip python3 -m venv –without-pip test4 or pyvenv-3.4 –without-pip test4 2. Get pip in your env source test4/bin/activate curl | python deactivate source test4/bin/activate … Read more

pip3 installs inside virtual environment with python3.6 failing due to ssl module not available

I followed the below steps for python3.6 installation in ubuntu 14.04 and virtualenv pip installs works fine. Python 3.6 Installation: sudo apt-get install python3-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev wget tar xvf Python-3.6.0.tgz cd Python-3.6.0 ./configure –enable-optimizations make -j8 sudo make altinstall python3.6 If seeing the following error — zipimport.ZipImportError: can’t decompress data; zlib not available make: … Read more

What’s the difference between “virtualenv” and “-m venv” in creating Python Virtual environments

venv is a package shipped directly with python 3. So you don’t need to pip install anything. virtualenv instead is an independent library available at and can be install with pip. They solve the same problem and work in a very similar manner. If you use python3 I suggest to avoid an “extra” dependency … Read more