How do you set the badge position with reCAPTCHA v3?

You can make the badge inline in V3 with just Javascript it’s just not documented yet. Set your `render` parameter to `explicit` and add a `onload` parameter for the callback, `onRecaptchaLoadCallback` for example. <script src=””></script> Then set up your callback like so and don’t forget to enter the id/DOM node of where you want your … Read more

Uncaught ReferenceError: grecaptcha is not defined

Recaptcha has a onload callback that will run once recaptcha is loaded. Place your code inside that callback function. <script> function onloadCallback() { /* Place your recaptcha rendering code here */ } </script> <script src=””></script>

Force Google Recaptcha Challenge

The methods told here should generally work, but there is no guarantee of the same. There is a very easy way to guarantee that Google reCAPTCHA challenge always show up. All you need to do is to add a custom BOT device in developer tools and then use the same to test. In Chrome Dev … Read more

ReCaptcha v2 client side events

Another solution is to set data-callback directly on the g-recaptcha div, like this <script type=”text/javascript”> var imNotARobot = function() {“Button was clicked”); }; </script> <div class=”g-recaptcha” data-callback=”imNotARobot” data-sitekey=”key”></div>

How does reCAPTCHA 3 know I’m using Selenium/chromedriver?

reCaptcha Websites can easily detect the network traffic and identify your program as a BOT. Google have already released 5(five) reCAPTCHA to choose from when creating a new site. While four of them are active and reCAPTCHA v1 being shutdown. reCAPTCHA versions and types reCAPTCHA v3 (verify requests with a score): reCAPTCHA v3 allows you … Read more

Google reCAPTCHA: How to get user response and validate in the server side?

The cool thing about the new Google Recaptcha is that the validation is now completely encapsulated in the widget. That means, that the widget will take care of asking questions, validating responses all the way till it determines that a user is actually a human, only then you get a g-recaptcha-response value. But that does … Read more