Enterprise Reporting Solutions [closed]

I’ve used Cognos Series 7, Cognos Series 8, Crystal Reports, Business Objects XI R2 WebIntelligence, Reporting Services 2000, Reporting Services 2005, and Reporting Services 2008. Here’s my feedback on what I’ve learned: Reporting Services 2008/2005/2000 PROS Cost: Cheapest enterprise business intelligence solution if you are using MS SQL Server as a back-end. You also have … Read more

Best ASP.NET reporting engine with custom reports creation ability [closed]

I’ve worked with all the major reporting tools and each has their plusses and minuses. About the only “plus” on SQL Report Services side is that there’s no additional $$ expenditure above the SQL Server license. The downside is that the report designer is probably the most child-like of all. Crystal has been around forever, … Read more

Reporting (free || open source) Alternatives to Crystal Reports in Winforms [closed]

I would suggest that you use the fyiReporting (Forked and Moved Now Current as of 2012) tool if you are looking to replace Crystal Reports. I have used both fyiReporting and Crystal and would have to say that I prefer fyiReporting(though their website is ghetto). Reasons for choosing fyiReporting If you want to replace Crystal … Read more

When to build a separate reporting database?

In general, the more mission critical the transactional app and the more sophisticated the reporting requirements, the more splitting makes sense. When transaction performance is critical. When it’s hard to get a maintenance window on the transactional app. If reporting needs to correlate results not only from this app, but from other application silos. If … Read more

The type or namespace name ‘Reporting’ does not exist in the namespace ‘Microsoft’

In my case I needed to actually install Microsoft Report Viewer on the troublesome machine. Report Viewer 2010 (version=10) Report Viewer 2012 (version=11) Report Viewer 2015 Of course, other ones are available, it can be worked out which from the Version= on the dll which one is needed. In my case I needed version 11 … Read more

Passing a parameter via URL to SQL Server Reporting Services

First, be sure to replace Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath= with ReportServer?. In other words, instead of this: http://server/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=/ReportFolder/ReportSubfolder/ReportName Use this syntax: http://server/ReportServer?/ReportFolder/ReportSubfolder/ReportName Parameters can be referenced or displayed in a report using @ParameterName, whether they’re set in the report or in the URL. You can attach parameters to the URL with &ParameterName=Value. To hide the toolbar where parameters … Read more

How to generate stats for a GitHub project?

You can try applying gitstats to a cloned repo of your GitHub repo. See for example the activity of the Git repo itself, with many data like the commits per year/month: See also “Looking at Git Statistics“, with the GitHub ‘yearly_stats’ for a simple little script. Update April 2013 (“Get up to speed with Pulse“): … Read more