Create relationships when scaffolding

Scaffold actually provides a way to generate relationships, you should use the :references data type rails g scaffold Comment body:string author:string post:references This will generate a migration for the comments table with a post_id field and index for it. The generator will also add belongs_to :post to the Comment model. It will not however generate … Read more

Multiple Scaffolds for each page inside a Flutter App

It means that, usually, there should be one Scaffold for each page (more precisely, for each Route/screen), and that you should not nest Scaffolds. Navigating between screens For example, take a look at this snippet that you can run in DartPad: import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; void main() { runApp(MaterialApp( title: ‘Navigation Basics’, home: FirstRoute(), )); } class … Read more

Entity Framework Core creating model from existing database

I know this question is a bit old, but I think it’s pretty useful for people stumbling over the same problem. If I’ve understood your question correctly, you want to specify which Tables should be generated. It should be possible if you add the -Tables Parameter to the command. Here is the command I used … Read more

Why do Ruby on Rails professionals NOT use Scaffolding?

I’m experienced with rails and I rarely use scaffolding simply because my end goal is far from simple CRUD actions. However, there’s no strict rule to not use scaffolding. Some coders frown on it because it is actually scaffolding, literally. It’s not a finished product. Scaffolding supports you as you build the actual product. Search … Read more

Undo scaffolding in Rails

First, if you have already run the migrations generated by the scaffold command, you have to perform a rollback first. rake db:rollback You can create scaffolding using: rails generate scaffold MyFoo (or similar), and you can destroy/undo it using rails destroy scaffold MyFoo That will delete all the files created by generate, but not any … Read more