How do websites know they’re not the default home page or search provider?

Simply there is no way to do that with JavaScript because the “default search/homepage” is a user’s preference and you do not have access to that without user’s permission because that would be a security/privacy issue. What Google does at every user visit is show a promo ad with a close icon and a go … Read more

What is the difference between web-crawling and web-scraping? [duplicate]

Crawling would be essentially what Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc. do, looking for ANY information. Scraping is generally targeted at certain websites, for specfic data, e.g. for price comparison, so are coded quite differently. Usually a scraper will be bespoke to the websites it is supposed to be scraping, and would be doing things a (good) … Read more

How do search engines deal with AngularJS applications?

(2022) Use Server Side Rendering if possible, and generate URLs with Pushstate Google can and will run JavaScript now so it is very possible to build a site using only JavaScript provided you create a sensible URL structure. However, pagespeed has become a progressively more important ranking factor and typically pages built clientside perform poorly … Read more