Eclipse Organize Imports Shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+O) is not working

The Java Organize Import command is overwritten by another Ctrl+Shift+O command: in Window > Preferences: General > Keys the Java Organize Import command (where When is In Windows) is bound to Ctrl+Shift+O, but in the main and right-click menu Source > Organize Imports the command is displayed without the shortcut. There are two solutions for … Read more

Editing shortcut (.lnk) properties with Powershell

Copy-Item $sourcepath $destination ## Get the lnk we want to use as a template $shell = New-Object -COM WScript.Shell $shortcut = $shell.CreateShortcut($destination) ## Open the lnk $shortcut.TargetPath = “C:\path\to\new\exe.exe” ## Make changes $shortcut.Description = “Our new link” ## This is the “Comment” field $shortcut.Save() ## Save Found the VB version of the code here:

Shortcut for changing tabs->spaces->tabs in IntelliJ IDEA

To toggle between tabs and spaces: On the main menu, choose Edit → Convert Indents, and then choose To Spaces or To Tabs respectively. Read more about Changing Indentation. You can quickly do the same with Navigating to Action menu by pressing Ctrl+Shift+A and type convert indents in the field: If you want to set … Read more

IntelliJ Shift Shift Shortcut in Visual Studio (Global Search)

It’s became possible after the recently VS Code release(1.54.0 or above), you can update keybindings.json with following code: [ { “key”: “shift shift”, “command”: “workbench.action.quickOpen” }, { “key”: “alt alt”, “command”: “workbench.action.quickOpen” }, { “key”: “ctrl ctrl”, “command”: “workbench.action.showCommands” } ] Source: Or install VS Code extension: shift shift