Cross Domain Login – How to log a user in automatically when transferred from one domain to another

Single sign-on (SSO) is conceptually pretty simple. User hits sees there’s no session cookie. redirects to presents login page, and take credentials sets session cookie for the user then redirects back to domain1 to a special url (like the ssologin URL contains a parameter that is basically … Read more

Single Sign-On in Microservice Architecture

While implementing a microservice architecture at my previous job we decided the best approach was in alignment with #1, Add identity service and authorize service access through it. In our case this was done with tokens. If a request came with an authorization token then we could verify that token with the identity service if … Read more

CAS vs. SAML vs. OAuth2

CAS-Server: A stand-alone central login page where the user enters their credentials (i.e. their username and password). CAS supports the standardized SAML 1.1 protocol primarily to support attribute release to clients and single sign-out. (a table in a SQL database, ActiveDirectory/LDAP, Google accounts, etc.) Full compatibility with the open, multi-platform CAS protocol (CAS clients are … Read more

Implementing Single Sign On (SSO) using Django [closed]

We’re using OpenAM. The OpenAM Cookie means that the user is authenticated. An authentication backend for this is pretty simple. Under 50 lines of code. We wrote a little bit of code that makes a RESTful request to the OpenAM server to get the user, group and role information. We then use the … Read more

SAML/ADFS node.js implementation guide?

I recently went through the same thought process: having never heard of SAML, I needed to enable a web application to authenticate via SAML with OneLogin as the identity provider (instead of Active Directory). During implementation, I made heavy use of OneLogin’s documentation and the passport-saml library, both of which I recommend, though I’m not … Read more

What’s the difference between ADFS, WIF, WS Federation, SAML, and STS?

ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services) – Off-the-shelf Security Token Service (STS) produced by Microsoft and built on Windows Identity Foundation (WIF). Relies on AD for authentication. Can be used in active (SOAP web services) or passive (web sites) scenarios and supports SAML tokens, WS-Federation, WS-Trust and SAML-Protocol. It can be used as an Identity Provider … Read more

How to re-authorize the OAuth Application ‘Git Credential Manager’

My company just enabled SSO for my Github Org overnight so was getting the same error running git pull. I fixed this with the following steps. Open Credential Manager in Windows and delete the existing credential for Re-initialise the cred manager in git bash: git config –global credential.helper manager-core Re-run git pull and follow … Read more