Read committed Snapshot VS Snapshot Isolation Level

READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT does optimistic reads and pessimistic writes. In contrast, SNAPSHOT does optimistic reads and optimistic writes. Microsoft recommends READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT for most apps that need row versioning. Read this excellent Microsoft article: Choosing Row Versioning-based Isolation Levels. It explains the benefits and costs of both isolation levels. And here’s a more thorough … Read more

How to prevent Screen Capture in Android

I’m going to say that it is not possible to completely prevent screen/video capture of any android app through supported means. But if you only want to block it for normal android devices, the SECURE FLAG is substantial. 1) The secure flag does block both normal screenshot and video capture. Also documentation at this link … Read more

Proper way of handling LXC containers on btrfs

I am on Ubuntu LTS 14 and just ran the following (for first time even) and it worked like a charm: lxc-stop -n ubuntu_base lxc-clone -o ubuntu_base -n ubuntu_base_c1 -s lxc-start -n ubuntu_base_c1 -d # make changes if needed lxc-stop -n ubuntu_base_c1 lxc-snapshot -n ubuntu_base_c1 Using -s with lxc-clone will take a snapshot if backing … Read more

EC2 Can’t resize volume after increasing size

There’s no need to stop instance and detach EBS volume to resize it anymore! 13-Feb-2017 Amazon announced: “Amazon EBS Update – New Elastic Volumes Change Everything“ The process works even if the volume to extend is the root volume of running instance! Say we want to increase boot drive of Ubuntu from 8G up to … Read more

Maven Snapshot Repository vs Release Repository

Release repositories hold releases and Snapshot repositories hold snapshots. In maven a snapshot is defined as an artifact with a version ending in -SNAPSHOT. When deployed, the snapshot is turned into a timestamp. By definition, snapshots are mutable, releases are immutable. This is why Nexus makes you store them separately because usually you don’t care … Read more

“You don’t have a SNAPSHOT project in the reactor projects list.” when using Jenkins Maven release plugin

You’re trying to release an artifact that’s not a snapshot. That means your artifact’s version number is something like 3.0.3. That version number implies its already been released. You can’t release a release. There would be no changes in between and therefore no point. You’re only supposed to release SNAPSHOT versions. That means your version … Read more