How do you simulate Stripe Subscription Renewal Failure? [closed]

EDIT 2023-02-02: The answer below was written in 2016. While it should still work, you can probably achieve this in a more straightforward manner by using test clocks instead. In order to test failed subscription payments, you can do something like this: Create the customer with a card token for a valid card (e.g. 4242 … Read more

Access raw body of Stripe webhook in Nest.js

For anyone looking for a more elegant solution, turn off the bodyParser in main.ts. Create two middleware functions, one for rawbody and the other for json-parsed-body. json-body.middleware.ts import { Request, Response } from ‘express’; import * as bodyParser from ‘body-parser’; import { Injectable, NestMiddleware } from ‘@nestjs/common’; @Injectable() export class JsonBodyMiddleware implements NestMiddleware { use(req: … Read more

Stripe testing in LIVE mode

The purpose of Stripe test mode is to ensure that you get your code into a perfectly working state, and that each type of transaction you are dealing with is fully covered. You can even validate that WebHooks are working by pointing them at your application’s test API endpoints. There’s not really a way of … Read more

How can I put border styling with react-stripe-elements input component?

Great question! As noted here, to apply padding or a border to a Stripe element you want to style the parent DOM node that contains the element, not the element itself: I’d wrap your CardElement in a div and then apply styling to that. As noted above, Elements automatically applies the StripeElement class to … Read more