Why should I use SerializeField?

Why and when should I use [SerializeField]? Using the SerializeField attribute causes Unity to serialize any private variable. This doesn’t apply to static variables and properties in C#. You use the SerializeField attribute when you need your variable to be private but also want it to show up in the Editor. For example, this wouldn’t … Read more

In unity3D, Click = Touch?

Short answer: yes, touch may be handled with Input.GetMouseButtonDown(). Input.GetMouseButtonDown(), Input.mousePosition, and associated functions work as tap on the touch screen (which is kind of odd, but welcome). If you don’t have a multi-touch game, this is a good way to keep the in-editor game functioning well while still keeping touch input for devices. (source: … Read more

APKs or App Bundles are available to 64-bit devices but they only have 32-bit native code

For future reference: It’s an issue with google play and x86 build that do not offers a 64bit counterpart code. Disabling x86 build fix this issue. Reference: https://forum.unity.com/threads/successful-unity-aab-build-not-compliant-with-the-google-play-64-bit-requirement.729035/ The problem started on 08/20/2019.