What is a Web Framework? How does it compare with LAMP?

To quote Wikipedia: A web application framework is a software framework that is designed to support the development of dynamic websites, web applications and web services. The framework aims to alleviate the overhead associated with common activities performed in Web development. Basically, a web framework makes it easier for you to develop your application. Most … Read more

Difference between a module, library and a framework

All three of those provide functionality. However, there are important differences. A library is just a collection of related functionality. Nothing more, but also nothing less. The defining characteristic of a library is that you are in control, you call the library. The defining characteristic of a framework is Inversion of Control. The framework calls … Read more

What is middleware exactly?

Lets say your company makes 4 different products, your client has another 3 different products from another 3 different companies. Someday the client thought, why don’t we integrate all our systems into one huge system. Ten minutes later their IT department said that will take 2 years. You (the wise developer) said, why don’t we … Read more

What is the difference between a framework and a library? [closed]

A library performs specific, well-defined operations. A framework is a skeleton where the application defines the “meat” of the operation by filling out the skeleton. The skeleton still has code to link up the parts but the most important work is done by the application. Examples of libraries: Network protocols, compression, image manipulation, string utilities, … Read more