What is the meaning of revert this commit and roll back this commit in GitHub for Windows?

Suppose you have a single file in your repo, and you have the following commits:

commit 1 : the file contains A
commit 2 : the file contains B
commit 3 : the file contains C

If you execute revert on commit 3, you’ll have this in the repo:

commit 1 : the file contains A
commit 2 : the file contains B
commit 3 : the file contains C
commit 4 : the file contains B

And the file in your working copy will contain B as well.

If you execute roll back, you’ll have this in the repo:

commit 1 : the file contains A
commit 2 : the file contains B

And the file in your working copy will be left unmodified. The file will thus contain C. It allows you to fix a small mistake and commit again, for example.

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