Adding ui.bootstrap dependency with bower

You are installing a wrong package from bower. The correct one to install is bower install angular-bootstrap as described here: Edit: As of February 2015, a Bower version of the library exists at Unfortunately, it presently only contains AngularUI Bootstrap 0.12.0 which, as far as I can tell, isn’t fully compatible with Angular …

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How to define a Bower dependency to a Git repository with no releases tagged?

As it is written in the documentation, you can specify the package in form of a remote Git endpoint: “dependencies”: { “some-package”: “git://” } Since GitHub is usually used, there is a shortcut for this (unless specified otherwise): “dependencies”: { “some-package”: “someone/some-package” } This will download the newest version of the package. To make sure …

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How do I connect bower components with sails.js?

In Sails 0.10 the ‘assets/linker’ directory no longer exists, however I found a lead on simple solution that gives some automation to the bower -> asset linker workflow while also allowing some granular control over what exactly ends up getting linked. The solution is adding grunt-bower to your Sails.js compileAssets task grunt.registerTask(‘compileAssets’, [ ‘clean:dev’, ‘bower:dev’, …

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Moving away from Bower (discontinued) to use Yarn/Npm instead (.Net Core MVC) VS2017

I had the same question as you and found out that Yarn is not too hard to use. Here I discuss installation of Yarn, tweaks to Visual Studio 17, and project workflow. Yarn Installation To run Yarn, you need to install two things: The prequisite, Node.js. The Yarn command line utility. Disable NPM in Visual …

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