Deploy single page application Angular: 404 Not Found nginx

for those not using a Staticfile might wanna try this. I had the same problem with nginx serving angular. The following is the default config file, probably found somewhere in /etc/nginx/sites-available/yoursite location / { # First attempt to serve request as file, then # as directory, then fall back to displaying a 404. try_files $uri … Read more

HikariCP Postgresql Driver Claims to not accept JDBC URL

There are a few issues with that URL and a latest PSQL driver may complain. jdbc:postgres: should be replaced with jdbc:postgresql: Do not use jdbc:postgresql://<username>:<passwor>…, user parameters instead: jdbc:postgresql://<host>:<port>/<dbname>?user=<username>&password=<password> In some cases you have to force SSL connection by adding sslmode=require parameter So your URL should be: jdbc:postgresql:// or jdbc:postgresql:// I hope that will help.

Spring Boot – Limit on number of connections created

This setting is derived from the embedded container (tomcat, jetty…). Tomcat’s number of threads You may specify this property in your server.tomcat.max-threads=400 You say you counted 20 threads, however according to this other stackoverflow question/answer, the default number of thread should be 200 with tomcat, since server.tomcat.max-threads’s default value is 0. See tomcat’s documentation: … Read more

Kubernetes vs. CloudFoundry [closed]

As both a CloudFoundry (past) and Kubernetes (present) commiter, I’m probably uniquely qualified to answer this one. PaaS-like I like to call CloudFoundry an “Application PaaS” and Kubernetes a “Container PaaS”, but the distinction is fairly subtle and fluid, given that both projects change over time to compete in the same markets. The distinction between … Read more