Why isn’t it possible to use a CNAME redirect with HTTPS

Assume you have a CNAME record: travel-maps.example.com CNAME c.commondatastorage.googleapis.com. Browser resolves name travel-maps.example.com and gets IP for c.commondatastorage.googleapis.com, then connects to port 443 of this address. Server with this IP couldn’t possibly[1] have proper certificate for travel-maps.example.com (and all other domain names with CNAME records like this). Only example.com domain owner could get a trusted … Read more

CNAME SSL certificates

Whether your DNS entry uses a CNAME or an A record doesn’t matter. What matters is the host name the client is trying to connect to. It must match one of the Subject Alternative Names in the certificate of the server providing that resource (or, failing that, it must match the CN RDN of the … Read more

How to fix: Domain does not resolve to the GitHub Pages server. Error in Github Pages for custom domain setup with Enforce HTTPS Enabled?

For anyone stumbling across this. Actually I realized I have outlined the correct method to set this up with Github Pages. And this is in line with what is recommended by Github as of today and works perfectly well. Just make sure you wait for the DNS Propagation to take effect which in some cases … Read more

Multiple GitHub Pages and custom domains via DNS

You can do it. Notice that all DNS CNAME entry point to the same host. 1: github.com/florianwolters/florianwolters.github.com CNAME file content: blog.florianwolters.de DNS CNAME: blog > florianwolters.github.com 2: github.com/florianwolters/pear/tree/gh-pages CNAME file content: pear.florianwolters.de DNS CNAME: pear > florianwolters.github.com

Heroku/GoDaddy: send naked domain to www [closed]

On GoDaddy, use the “Forwarding” feature to setup a forward from yourdomain.example to www.yourdomain.example. The forwarding feature can be accessed in the Domain Manager at the bottom of the “Domain Information” section: If you do this then all traffic to yourdomain.example will be routed to the Heroku app CNAME (which is the better approach). One … Read more

How to rename AWS S3 Bucket

Solution aws s3 mb s3://[new-bucket] aws s3 sync s3://[old-bucket] s3://[new-bucket] aws s3 rb –force s3://[old-bucket] Explanation There’s no rename bucket functionality for S3 because there are technically no folders in S3 so we have to handle every file within the bucket. The code above will 1. create a new bucket, 2. copy files over and … Read more