‘CONTINUE’ keyword in Oracle 10g PL/SQL

You can simulate a continue using goto and labels. DECLARE done BOOLEAN; BEGIN FOR i IN 1..50 LOOP IF done THEN GOTO end_loop; END IF; <<end_loop>> — not allowed unless an executable statement follows NULL; — add NULL statement to avoid error END LOOP; — raises an error without the previous NULL END;

Why is `continue` not allowed in a `finally` clause in Python?

The use of continue in a finally-clause is forbidden because its interpretation would have been problematic. What would you do if the finally-clause were being executed because of an exception? for i in range(10): print i try: raise RuntimeError finally: continue # if the loop continues, what would happen to the exception? print i It … Read more

How to use “continue” in groovy’s each loop

Either use return, as the closure basically is a method that is called with each element as parameter like def myObj = [“Hello”, “World!”, “How”, “Are”, “You”] myList.each{ myObj-> if(myObj==null){ return } println(“My Object is ” + myObj) } Or switch your pattern to def myObj = [“Hello”, “World!”, “How”, “Are”, “You”] myList.each{ myObj-> if(myObj!=null){ … Read more

What is meant by a number after “break” or “continue” in PHP?

$array = array(1,2,3); foreach ($array as $item){ if ($item == 2) { break; } echo $item; } outputs “1” because the loop was broken forever, before echo was able to print “2”. $array = array(1,2,3); foreach ($array as $item){ if ($item == 2) { continue; } echo $item; } outputs 13 because the second iteration … Read more

php foreach continue

If you are trying to have your second continue apply to the foreach loop, you will have to change it from continue; to continue 2; This will instruct PHP to apply the continue statement to the second nested loop, which is the foreach loop. Otherwise, it will only apply to the for loop.

Why are “continue” statements bad in JavaScript? [closed]

The statement is ridiculous. continue can be abused, but it often helps readability. Typical use: for (somecondition) { if (!firsttest) continue; some_provisional_work_that_is_almost_always_needed(); if (!further_tests()) continue; do_expensive_operation(); } The goal is to avoid ‘lasagna’ code, where you have deeply nested conditionals. Edited to add: Yes, this is ultimately subjective. Here’s my metric for deciding. Edited one … Read more