Django Forms with ReactJS

First, i think you need to check related React documentation about forms with multiple inputs. It gives you base idea about how things should be structured in React side. About fetching data from server, you can try something like this in componentDidMount: componentDidMount() { // Assuming you are using jQuery, // if not, try fetch(). … Read more

Django Rest Framework Business Logic

It is more about design patterns rather than Django Rest Framework. Here are some tips: Providing interfaces using REST should not involve any specific code related to data manipulation or business logic. Using an MVC approach does not mean that you shouldn’t layer your application. You should be able to test your business logic without … Read more

How to cache Django Rest Framework API calls?

Ok, so, in order to use caching for your queryset: class ProductListAPIView(generics.ListAPIView): def get_queryset(self): return get_myobj() serializer_class = ProductSerializer You’d probably want to set a timeout on the cache set though (like 60 seconds): cache.set(cache_key, result, 60) If you want to cache the whole view: from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page class ProductListAPIView(generics.ListAPIView): … Read more

Can to_representation() in Django Rest Framework access the normal fields

DRF’s ModelSerializer already has all the logic to handle that. In your case you shouldn’t even need to customize to_representation. If you need to customize it, I would recommend to first call super and then customize the output: class PersonListSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = Person fields = (‘foo’, ‘bar’,) def to_representation(self, instance): data = super(PersonListSerializer, … Read more

django-rest-framework accept JSON data?

You have missed adding the Content-Type header in the headers section. Just set the Content-Type header to application/json and it should work. See the below image: Also, you might also need to include a CSRF token in the header in case you get an error {“detail”: “CSRF Failed: CSRF token missing or incorrect.”} while making … Read more

Django REST Framework image upload

you can create separate endpoint for uploading images, it would be like that: class ProductViewSet(BaseViewSet, viewsets.ModelViewSet): queryset = Product.objects.all() serializer_class = ProductSerializer @detail_route(methods=[‘post’]) def upload_docs(request): try: file =[‘file’] except KeyError: raise ParseError(‘Request has no resource file attached’) product = Product.objects.create(image=file, ….) you can go around that solution — update: this’s how to upload from … Read more

Django REST Exceptions

The Django REST framework provides several built in exceptions, which are mostly subclasses of DRF’s APIException. You can raise exceptions in your view like you normally would in Python: from rest_framework.exceptions import APIException def my_view(request): raise APIException(“There was a problem!”) You could also create your own custom exception by inheriting from APIException and setting status_code … Read more

How to use csrf_token in Django RESTful API and React?

The first step is to get CSRF token which can be retrieved from the Django csrftoken cookie. Now from the Django docs you can find out how to get the csrf token from the cookie by using this simple JavaScript function: function getCookie(name) { var cookieValue = null; if (document.cookie && document.cookie !== ”) { … Read more