How to use naked GoDaddy domain with OpenShift hosting? [closed]

Solution 01) Sign up to cloudflare 02) Set these cname rules: > (this will utilise ‘cname flattening‘) www > 03) Set page rules:* >$1 04) Set alias in OpenShift to 05) Make sure GoDaddy DNS record doesn’t have any conflicting cname or A record set up. 06) Let it … Read more

PHP get domain name [duplicate]

Similar question has been asked in stackoverflow before. See here: PHP $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’] vs. $_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’], am I understanding the man pages correctly? Also see this article: Recommended using HTTP_HOST, and falling back on SERVER_NAME only if HTTP_HOST was not set. He said that SERVER_NAME could be unreliable on the server for a variety of reasons, … Read more

WWW or not WWW, what to choose as primary site name? [closed]

It doesn’t matter which you choose but you should pick one and be consistent. It is more a matter of style but it is important to note that search engines consider these two URLs to be different sites: So whichever you choose for aesthetic reasons should be consistently used for SEO reasons. Edit: … Read more