Why is there no forEach method on Object in ECMAScript 5?

Well, it’s pretty easy to rig up yourself. Why further pollute the prototypes? Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) { var value = obj[key]; }); I think a big reason is that the powers that be want to avoid adding built in properties to Object. Objects are the building blocks of everything in Javascript, but are also the generic key/value … Read more

JavaScript: Can ECMAScript 5’s Strict Mode (“use strict”) be enabled using single quotes (‘use strict’)?

For you, without using a browser that supports strict mode: A Use Strict Directive is an ExpressionStatement in a Directive Prologue whose StringLiteral is either the exact character sequences “use strict” or ‘use strict’. A Use Strict Directive may not contain an EscapeSequence or LineContinuation.

How do I perform an export that is compatible with ES5 and ES6?

As far as writing an export that is compatible for both ES5 and ES6, Babel already takes care of that for you. (As communicated in the comments to your question. I’m only clarifying for those who got lost in the dialog.) module.exports = MyClass will work with both var MyClass = require(‘mymodule’) and import MyClass … Read more

Mixed default and named exports in Node with ES5 syntax

You want to assign the value of module.exports to be your default function, and then put all the named exports as properties on that function. const defaultFunction = () => { console.log(‘default!’); }; const namedFunction1 = () => { console.log(‘1!’); }; const namedFunction2 = () => { console.log(‘2!’); }; const myModule = module.exports = defaultFunction; … Read more

In ECMAScript5, what’s the scope of “use strict”?

“use strict” applies only to function or program scope. So if you have fileA.js with “use strict” at the top, fileA.js executes in strict mode, and all functions defined in it will do the same when called. But fileB.js is a separate program, so the “use strict” from fileA.js doesn’t apply to it — and … Read more

`new Object` vs `Object` in the ECMAScript spec

Object(window) will never clone window but new Object(window) might. All current — potentially all known — implementations just return the same reference, although the spec allows for implementation-defined behavior. The steps for say: If value is null, undefined or not supplied, create and return a new Object object exactly as if the standard built-in … Read more

Prototypical OO in JavaScript

I don’t think the constructor/factory logic is necessary at all, as long as you change how you think about Object-Oriented Programming. In my recent exploration of the topic, I’ve discovered that Prototypical inheritance lends itself more to defining a set of functions that use particular data. This isn’t a foreign concept to those trained in … Read more

A function is larger than an array?

In IE<9, .toStringing (function (x) {return x*x;}) gives “(function (x) {return x*x;})” While in chrome it gives: “function (x) {return x*x;}” If you compare: “function (x) {return x*x;}” > “1,2,3” // true “(function (x) {return x*x;})” > “1,2,3” // false Which is effectively the same as comparing: “f” > “1” “(” > “1” Which is … Read more

CoffeeScript: Getter/Setter in Object Initializers

No, not for now 🙁 From the CoffeeScript FAQ: Q: Will you add feature X where feature X depends on a platform? A: No, implementation-specific features are not allowed as a policy. Everything that you write in CoffeeScript should be supported and runnable on any current JavaScript implementation (in practice, this means the lowest common … Read more