What is the simplest and fastest way to transfer large file through a Windows network?

A failure predictable at 2Gb sounds like the target filesystem is to blame… Are both on NTFS? Are you piping through any compression (zip used to fail at 2gb boundaries) ((is apache doing compression)) I have copied many files over 20Gb using robocopy (as others have mentioned) but I’d avoid using the /MIR switch until … Read more

ASCII vs Binary vs Auto?

The “Binary” transfer mode of FTP copies files exactly, byte for byte. Simple and straightforward. When bringing text files between different operating systems, though, this might not be what you want — different operating systems use different codes to represent line breaks. The “ASCII” mode exists for this purpose: it automatically translates all line endings … Read more

What is the best way to transfer a single large file over a high-speed, high-latency WAN link?

Searching for “high latency file transfer” brings up a lot of interesting hits. Clearly, this is a problem that both the CompSci community and the commercial community has put thougth into. A few commercial offerings that appear to fit the bill: FileCatalyst has products that can stream data over high-latency networks either using UDP or … Read more

Rsync show progress for individual file

This might be what you’re after. % rsync -avvz –times –stats –checksum –human-readable –acls \ –itemize-changes –progress \ –out-format=”[%t] [%i] (Last Modified: %M) (bytes: %-10l) %-100n” \ /usr/include/glib-2.0 my-glib-copy/ The switches breakdown as follows: -avvz = archive, verbose x 2, compress –times = preserve modification times –stats = give some file-transfer stats –checksum = skip … Read more