Can’t render component diagram with PlantUML in IntelliJ

On a mac using Intellij, if Intellij cannot find graphviz, testdot doesn’t work and graphviz was installed with brew install graphviz: In Intellij, click the wrench icon on the far right of the menu panel that contains the plantuml view and editor arrangement. Click ‘Open settings’ For ‘Graphviz dot executable’ add /opt/homebrew/bin/dot. Click OK and … Read more

After updating to Android Studio Arctic Fox, I cannot use any custom theme

Follow Simple Steps to Fix this Rename the {path-of-android-studio}/lib/gson-2.7.jar file to gson-2.7.jar.disabled. Restart Studio. where {path-of-android-studio} is by default C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio on Windows and /Applications/Android on Mac. The fix will be included in the next minor release of the 2020.3.1 Arctic Fox. Found From issue-tracker

IntelliJ IDEA global environment variable configuration

I found a solution to set environment variables on IntelliJ that has been working very well for me, and is incredibly simple. Let me show you. This is the program (you can copy and paste it) we’re using to test: package com.javasd.intelijenv; import java.util.Map; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Map<String, … Read more

Retrieving and setting split window settings for IntelliJ IDEA plugin development

This is untested code, but as it closely resmbles the procedures inside EditorsSplitters writeExternal and writePanel functions I am positive this will work. Presented are two methods: access output of writeExternal -> should be the more stable API and offers easier access to file information access components of splitter -> this way writeExternal creates it’s … Read more