C# The type or namespace name `List’ could not be found. But I’m importing System.Collections.Generic;

The issue comes from your instantiation of new List(). These also need the generic component: public static List<string> items = new List<string>(); public static List<double> itemsprice = new List<double>(); public static List<double> qu = new List<double>(); That is, there is no type List but there is a generic type List<T>. More information and examples of … Read more

What are MonoDevelop’s .pidb files?

From a MonoDevelop blog post: There were several long time pending bug reports, and I also wanted to improve a bit the performance and memory use. MonoDevelop creates a Parser Information Database (pidb) file for each assembly or project. This file contains all the information about classes implemented in an assembly, together with documentation pulled … Read more

How to use LINQ in Mono?

I guess what you would need to do is: In your project options set “Runtime version” to “Mono/.Net 3.5” Add reference to System.Core package (right click references in solution explorer) Add “using System.Linq” to your module after that your code should compile and execute hope this helps, regards